Data Science for Emergency Services v0.0.1


How to contribute

Category: documentation | Status: First draft

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GitHub repo
How can I contribute to the Data Science for Emergency Services initiative.

Emergency services have for most of them limited data analytics ressources and a wide range of common data mining problems.

The ds4es GitHub repo ( aims to a be a welcome place for people and data science projects willing to tackle challenges faced by emergency services.

If your are interested in starting or contributing to any project that could benefit emergency services, you are warmly welcomed to do so. To help you on your first steps please take a quick look at:

Our community, our values

  • We are a community based on openness and friendly, didactic, discussions.
  • We aspire to treat everybody equally, and value their contributions.
  • Decisions are made based on technical merit and consensus.
  • Code is not the only way to help the project. Reviewing pull requests, answering questions to help others on mailing lists or issues, organizing and teaching tutorials, working on the website, improving the documentation, are all priceless contributions.
  • We abide by the principles of openness, respect, and consideration of others of the Apache Software Foundation
  • In case you experience issues using this package, do not hesitate to submit a ticket to the GitHub issue tracker. You are also welcome to post feature requests or pull requests.

See also

Unit response oracle

date_range 19/06/2020

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The response time is one of the most important factors for emergency services because their ability to save lives and rescue people depends on it. A non-optimal choice of an emergency vehicle for a rescue request may lengthen the arrival time of the rescuers and impact the future of the victim. This choice is therefore highly critical for emergency services and directly rely on their ability to predict precisely the arrival time of the different units available.

Real-Time Units Gps Tracking

date_range 16/05/2020

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This project show how to broadcast, consume and plot GPS data in real-time. See the on GitHub for details.

Real-Time Data Replication Between Remote Information Systems

date_range 26/04/2020

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More than ever people are expecting to share, access and get data processed in real-time. Unfortunately on this subject, public services are lagging far behind the private sector.